-March 9th: School Council Shortened Day will be discussed. All parents/Guardians are welcome!
-March 12th: Professional Day. NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
-March 17th: Wear Green
-March 25th: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30- 8:00
-March 26th: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30- 8:00
-March 29th -April 5th: SPRING BREAK students return April 6, 2021
We started learning about letter Cc
Click on this and listen to the song
We had some interesting conversation how some start with letter K and also make the /k/ sound.
As Omer said, I have kiwi that has a /c/ sound.
Today we also looked for some snacks that began with letter Ccookie carrot cookie
We read,
When people get sick they go to a doctor.
What happens when a cat gets sick?
Ask me what do we call an animal doctor? We had a conversation about the two words...
Ask me to explain.....What is this....?
There was a girl in the book who hurt her ankle and some of us did not know which part of the body was called an ankle...
We all looked at our ankles..
Ask me to show you my ankle.. Who is this person... nurse
What do you think the vet is doing?
Mouse bakes some cookies.
Click on this and listen to the story.
Kindergarten Scientists at work...
corn starch, food colour, water
Ask me what did corn starch feel like?
We used our 5 senses to explore and investigate
Ask me how did it feel after adding the water.... Our Kindergarten Scientisits had so much fun investigating...
Very interesting when you roll the corn starch into a ball and then let it go. it turns to liquid....
Mrs. Riemer read, We had lots of rhyming words in this story.
Learning Centres
A Butterfly by Samantha
Jamel made a tree
Hamza and Samantha's creation
Pattern bracelet. Which one has a pattern? Ask me how do I know?