Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you to all the parents who have already booked a phone interview with me for Thursday and Friday. THERE ARE NO in-person interviews. Please login to your My CBE/Powerschool to create an account and book some time with me. If you already have an account please log in to book a time slot that works best for you. I look forward to talking to you soon! Thank you.
We have been learning about different kinds of lines and how we use these lines to draw and print letters. We read, .
We looked for different lines in our room.
Look at the lines we discovered in our room. Fine curvy, zigzag and vertical lines.
Ask me how do I know this is a vertical line.
Hamza : thick and thin lines dotted lines
Samantha: "I have short and long." Keith.: "I kind of have a long horizontal line." Click on this and watch a video with me.
Lukas: "I made lines." Keith: "I found swirls."
Click on this and sing a song.
We practiced making lines and then drew some in their journals.
Ask me to name these lines
We found more lines...We learnt some new names
vertical lines
thin lines.
thick lines
horizontal lines
Ask me to draw these lines.
We read,
We talked about how we all are different but SPECIAL and UNIQUE. Ask me why was the boy upset?
What did mom say to him?
He was sweet as chocolate and smooth like....
How did he explain to his friends how Special he was?
He made chocolate cupcakes for all his friend.
Ask me to tell you the story.
Mr. Pivarnyik has been teaching us some balls skills.
Each student had a colour.
Reading in Kindergarten