Wednesday 23 September 2020

 Parent Teacher Interview Sign Up | Ecole McTavish Public High SchoolDear Parent/Guardians,

 Thank you for booking time for the phone conversation. I look forward to our phone conversations tomorrow and Friday morning. 

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons: Litwin, Eric, Dean, James:  9780062110596: Books - Amazon.caToday we did a Math lesson with this book.

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons - YouTubeAsk me what kept happening to Petes buttons?

                         Course Blogs at Vanderbilt | A motherblog of live feeds from various  Vanderbilt course blogs | Page 293  He had zero buttons on his shirt.

Ask me what does zero mean?

 Choosing buttons for Pete's shirt. How many buttons does Ikram need?

                                                                     Count and tell me is this the right number for Pete's shirt? Oopsy.... we  have a problem.

We need 4 buttons and only two are fitting. How can I solve this problem?  Good problem solving Hamza. Buttons were too big. 

He looked for a smaller size so he coukd fit 4 buttons on his cat's shirt.


By choosing a different colour for the buttons are we changing the quantity... I wonder ask me to explain Buay put all these buttons  and said were too many and he needed 4. Ask me how many buttons does he need to remove?

 How many more buttons does this cat need?

Reviewing why leaves changed colour, we also explored the leaved that we had collected and played with them. Some of us loved the crunching sound. Using the 5 senses which sense 
did I use to hear the sound?
Activities using the 5 senses - New Routes

Ask me to explain how the leaves felt when I touched them?

Some Learning Tasks

Is this  a tall or a short building?                                   Isaiah made a  car

Isaiah built a ship
 He also built a helicopter that he wanted to fly. Efrata said, " This is a caterpillar."
Hunter's  creation
 Lukas is building a track that goes through a jungle.

We watched a song about Terry Fox. Tomorrow we we will run for Terry Fox.


                                       Don't Give Up  
Take care,
Mrs. Malik